Digestive enzymes are just that — they help us digest our food. They help with digesting proteins, fats, carbohydrates or fiber. Others are specific for breaking down lactose or gluten.
Proper and complete digestion has a tremendous impact on gut health. Gut health is deeply connected to immune health.
If our foods are not digested properly (e.g., not producing enough digestive enzymes, something that often happens with age), our bodies don’t get complete nourishment from the food. It can also result in abnormal bowel function including irregularity and bouts of diarrhea.
Undigested foods also leave more “leftovers” for gut microbes to feast on. Certain microbes use this to their advantage and may overgrow, especially in the small intestine. This may result in abdominal discomfort and gas, as well as inflammation of the gut mucosal lining.
Inflammation can impact your immune health too. The gut lining is like the internal skin of the body and a first line of immune defense. If it’s inflamed, it is in a compromised state. Pathological microbes can get past the mucosa to a lower layer of the gut lining and stake out a foothold there, covering themselves with a protective biofilm which allows them to evade the immune system.
When the gut lining is inflamed the junctions between cells may become less tight, something known as “leaky gut.” If this happens, the gut lining becomes more permeable and may allow pathogens, toxins and large macromolecules to pass through to the blood and lymph.
The body may develop an immune response to the microbes or molecules that get into the bloodstream that are not supposed to be there. There is a lot of ongoing scientific inquiry and research into whether the resulting immune responses are related to autoimmune diseases.
Insufficient digestive enzymes can put a stress on your GI and immune systems; this can be supported by taking a full spectrum digestive enzyme supplement with meals.