Petadolex 75 – PA-Free Butterbur, Migraine Prophylaxis


PA-free Butterbur, 75 mg.
Clinically Studied for Migraine Prophylaxis 

Trusted by Neurologists

From Weber & Weber; Distributed by LinPharma

Safe, Free of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

No trans fat, peanuts, eggs, milk, wheat, gluten, tree nuts, fish or shellfish

60 gelcaps, each 75 mg.

Product Description

Petadolex 75

Clinically Studied, Safe Butterbur

Butterbur Without PA’s (pyrrolizidine alkaloids)

Standardized Botanical Butterbur Formula, Evidence-Based Efficacy

Based on clinical trials, Petadolex, the PA-free form of Butterbur is considered the #1 migraine prophylactic compared to NSAIDS (non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, e.g. ibuprofen), and any other complementary therapies. —  American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and American Headache Society

The AAN evidence-based guideline states: there is strong evidence (Level A) that petasites (butterbur) is established as effective and should be offered for migraine prevention.

Petadolex is the only brand of butterbur root extract that has been used in clinical trials and the only butterbur root extract that uses a patented manufacturing process to remove PA’s that occur naturally in butterbur.

From the Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology, April 2012, referring to PA-free Butterbur:

“Effective for maintaining neurological health and should be offered to patients for healthier blood vessel flow in the brain.”

After 3 months on Petadolex (75 mg twice daily)– 71% of adults experienced a reduction in migraine attacks by 50% or more, as demonstrated in clinical studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

How Does Petadolex Work?

Petadolex works by helping to maintain smooth muscle tone in cerebral blood vessels, and through its anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. On a chemical level, its active ingredients petasin and isopetasin, inhibit the synthesis of both inflammatory leukotrienes (LOX) and COX-2 enzymes.

However, Petadolex does not produce relief immediately; it has to build up in your body’s system (it may take up to 3 months) to experience maximum benefits.

Nonetheless, clinical trials have shown that even after 4 weeks on Petadolex (150 mg/day), 54% of adults experienced a 50% reduction in migraine attacks (frequency and migraine pain).

While the natural whole plant form of Butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids or PAs, these toxic compounds are all removed in the Petadolex manufacturing process.

Weber & Weber cultivates and processes their own butterbur plants using their patented process that extracts and purifies the active ingredient of butterbur — petasin. Petadolex is at least 15% petasin extract.

Used for over 30 years by neurologists in Europe.

How Do You Know if Petadolex is Appropriate for You?

If you are afflicted by headaches, it’s best to consult with your primary medical doctor, neurologist or headache specialist.

He or she will likely make an assessment as to what specific type of headaches (e.g. migraine, cluster, tension) you are getting. Often one of the first steps is to have you keep a diary documenting your episodes.

The diary is a great tool to get a baseline about your headaches, their severity, symptoms, frequency, duration, time of day, and track possible triggers (like specific foods, hours of sleep). Often there is a pattern and which will help you and your physician determine how to best help you feel better.

If one or more of these conditions describes your migraine attacks, you may benefit from PA-free butterbur:

  • you experience 2-3 attacks per month
  • your attacks last more than 48 hours
  • your pain is unbearable
  • you experience neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances

It may take several months to determine if Petadolex relieves your migraine pain and/or frequency.


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