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Pain + Inflammation

Knee Support Supplements Help You Get Going!

By June 10, 2020January 23rd, 2024No Comments

Most of us are returning to prepandemic normal routines. That includes getting out of the house more, more exercise and activity. But after being more sedentary, those who have had difficulty with joints or knee stiffness find themselves having to ease into the increased activity.

Many of my clients with knee osteoarthritis use Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate to help manage their knee pain and stiffness.

Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body. Our bodies utilize it to build tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and the thick fluid (synovial fluid) that surrounds joints.

Similarly, chondroitin sulfate is an important structural component of cartilage and provides shock absorbance and much of its resistance to compression. It is the fluid and cartilage around joints that lubricate and cushion the joints; when the joint cartilage and other cushioning becomes thin, as in osteoarthritis, the joints have more friction, stiffness and even pain. With age, we make less of our our glucosamine.

Taking glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate supplements may increase the cartilage and fluid surrounding joints and help prevent breakdown of these substances and reduce pain.  If taken long-term they might even slow the breakdown of joints.

According to WebMD, after taking for 4-8 weeks, the relief from a glucosamine sulfate nutrition supplement may be comparable to acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

More about Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate. 

Anti-inflammatory Joint Support

Curaphen, a supplement with curcumin and boswellia, has been clinically shown to reduce joint pain and inflammation.

Most people feel the relief after a day or so after beginning to take Curaphen — just the kind of support needed to get out and walk more!