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DiabetesGut HealthNerve Health

Diabetes + the Microbiota

By November 3, 2019January 23rd, 2024No Comments
diabetes finger prick

Did you know that many scientists are finding that an imbalance of the gut microbiome is an underlying root cause for the onset of diabetes?

Here’s a simplified explanation the relationship between the gut microbiome and the onset of diabetes:

Chronic inflammation in the gut from microbial dysbiosis and lack of microbial diversity can lead to damage of the gut mucosal barrier. Eventually this inflammation leads to gaps in the intestinal lining, known as leaky gut.

Through these gaps, toxins, pathogens and dietary antigens can get through and trigger an inflammatory immune response.

Over time, this immune response may eventually develop into insulin resistance and hyperglycemia and the eventual development of Type 2 diabetes.

Leaky gut also leaves those genetically predisposed to Type 1 diabetes with a poorly educated immune system, more vulnerable to viral triggers of the disease as well as damage to pancreatic beta cells.

One of the most important jobs of the gut microbiome is to tend the gut lining. If the gut microbiome is out of balance, it poorly performs that job. We rely on our gut microbes to help us reduce intestinal inflammation and maintain the mucus barrier and tight junctions of the gut lining. The gut lining is a critical way that the body protects itself from the outside world.

I work with clients to rebalance their gut microbiota, through diet and lifestyle changes and supplements. My nutrition strategies are designed to increase microbial diversity as well as specifically increase populations of microbial species that are known to tend the gut lining.

My nutrition gut strategies are designed to support species of microbes that produce anti-inflammatory metabolites like butyrate and keep the gut mucus layer strong and the cell junctions tight.

Here’s an illustration from Microbiome Labs comparing a healthy gut lining with a leaky gut lining.
It shows that gut dysbiosis, with decreased microbial diversity and a deficiency of butyrate producing and mucin supporting bacteria, can lead to leaky gut.