It’s Not the Fountain of Youth But….
Did you know that Nicotinamide Riboside (a form of vitamin B3, but not niacin), is known to increase the body’s ability to produce energy in the mitochondria?
Nicotinamide Riboside also shows promise to restore the body’s ability to regenerate and repair itself.
“An international study, published in the Journal Science has led to a promising breakthrough in the field of anti-aging medicine. A vitamin called nicotinamide riboside (NR) — already known to boost metabolism — has been found to restore the body’s ability to regenerate and repair itself.
The regenerative capacity of cells and organs deteriorates with age. The “powerhouses” of cell function — called mitochondria — lose energy over time and prevent cells from regenerating as they once did.”
Full article: “Vitamin found to delay aging process in organs.”
Nicotinamide Riboside is found naturally in minute quantities in milk and beer and as a nutrition supplement – Tru Niagen Pro.
Additional properties of Nicotinamide Riboside:
- Cognitive and neuroprotective support
- Metabolic and weight management support, including insulin sensitivity and support for fatty liver
- Promotion of healthy aging via activating the sirtuin enzyme
- Endurance support by increasing mitochondrial activity in the muscles, particularly cardiac muscle.
- Some dermatologists recommend nicotinamide to prevent common skin cancers in individuals who previously had skin cancer.
More About Nicotinamide Riboside.